Life is Water Electric

The author is very aware of the importance of electromagnetic fields to life and declare that living things are fundamentally organized by the electric fields and the electromagnetic activities.

Moreover, she has a panpsychistic view (like those mentioned in [1]) where we can be seen as part of multiple-scale living beings, with multiple grades of consciousness.

She mentions various curious data, for example describe how trees are sensitive to electric and electromagnetic fields from earth and outer space, acting as antennas to the universe, or she mention how human and other organism synchronize their biological rhythms to the earth electromagnetic resonant Schumann frequencies (about all of this there is increasing documentation and proofs in [2]).

The paper describe some aspects of the history of the L-field hypothesis (proposed by Burr) and how a 1985 published book The Body Electric was censured in a bid to silence hazards of electromagnetic fields (and also their ability, in appropriate configurations, to heal more definitively than with pharmaceuticals, that much of the times create dependencies).

Ho also describe the ability of EM to manipulate from differentiated to stem cell processes, morphogenetic fields as electromagnetic fields, and much other concepts described also in different sections of this site.

The main issue treated in the document is the relation of electromagnetic fields with water and include concepts like liquid crystals and coherent domains of water (this last have also its corresponding section [3] here).

[1] EMMIND › Endogenous Fields & Mind › Endogenous Electromagnetic Fields › EM Mind - Principal › Other important › Panpsychism

[2] EMMIND › Applied Fields - Experimental › Various Effects › Geomagnetism & Earth Fields

[3] EMMIND › Endogenous Fields & Mind › Water & Electromagnetic Fields › Electromagnetism & Water - Coherence Domains

Last modified on 21-May-16

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind