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Geomagnetism & Earth Fields
Experimental evidence of the extreme sensitivity of living systems to natural sources

Pablo Andueza Munduate

Geomagnetic fields (GMFs) and Schumann resonances (SRs) are intrinsic components of Earth’s electromagnetic environment, exhibiting profound interactions with biological systems. This section explores the mechanisms underlying these interactions, their influence on human physiology and health, and their potential applications in medicine and wellness. ...

Particular attention is given to GMF-induced modulation of cardiovascular health, metabolic processes, and neuronal coherence, alongside the synchronizing effects of Schumann resonances with human brain rhythms and other physiological processes.

The Earth’s geomagnetic field and its oscillatory components, including Schumann resonances, provide a continuous electromagnetic background that influences living organisms. These interactions are mediated through mechanisms such as resonance with brain wave frequencies, modulation of bioelectric fields, and synchronization of physiological rhythms. This article synthesizes experimental findings and reviews the therapeutic and regulatory implications of GMFs and SRs.

Mechanisms of Interaction:

  • Resonance Phenomena:

    • Schumann resonances, particularly the fundamental 7.83 Hz frequency, overlap with human alpha brainwave activity (8–12 Hz), promoting synchronization and coherence in neural processes (Cherry, 2003).

    • GMFs influence heart rate variability (HRV) and autonomic nervous system responses by interacting with bioelectric rhythms (Davies, 2022).

  • Bioelectric Field Modulation:

    • GMFs align cellular bioelectric fields, enhancing coherence and energy efficiency in biological processes.

    • Low-frequency oscillations, such as Pc3 geomagnetic pulsations, align with cardiovascular rhythms, optimizing homeostasis (Zenchenko et al., 2021).

Physiological and Health Effects:

  • Cardiovascular Health:

    • Increased GMF intensity in low-frequency ranges correlates with reduced hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), while high-frequency GMF activity is associated with adverse cardiac events (McCraty et al., 2018).

    • GMF-induced endothelial function enhancements through ultra-low-frequency oscillations (0.01–0.02 Hz) improve vascular health and reduce arrhythmias (Vainoras et al., 2021).

  • Neurological and Cognitive Functions:

    • Synchronization between Schumann resonances and EEG rhythms supports cognitive performance and emotional regulation (Pobachenko et al., 2021).

    • GMF variations influence decision-making processes, with specific resonance frequencies modulating probabilistic abstract decisions (Chae et al., 2023).

  • Metabolic Regulation:

    • GMF fluctuations modulate basal metabolic rates, with higher activity improving energy utilization and coherence in metabolic pathways (Taletaviciene et al., 2021).

Applications of GMFs and Schumann Resonances:

  • Therapeutic Potential:

    • Artificial modulation of Schumann resonance frequencies enhances neuroplasticity and supports recovery in traumatic brain injuries.

    • GMFs are utilized in cardioprotection strategies, reducing stress-related damage through bioelectric stabilization (Elhalel et al., 2019).

  • Environmental and Behavioral Modulation:

    • Structured exposure to natural GMF oscillations improves sleep quality, stress adaptation, and overall biopsychosocial well-being (Joffé-Luinienė, 2020).

    • Applications in workplace environments to mitigate sedentary lifestyle risks through controlled GMF exposure.

Experimental Insights:

  • Heart-Brain Synchronization:

    • Studies demonstrate coherence between GMF oscillations and HRV, with implications for stress reduction and improved autonomic regulation (Zenchenko et al., 2024).

  • Schumann Resonance Power Variability:

    • Longitudinal analyses reveal seasonal and diurnal variations in SR power, correlating with changes in cardiovascular health metrics (Fdez-Arroy et al., 2019).

  • Magnetic Shielding and Biological Effects:

    • Shielding experiments show desynchronization of physiological rhythms, reversed by reintroducing GMFs at specific frequencies (Temuryants et al., 2018).

Discussion: Geomagnetic fields and Schumann resonances provide a natural framework for biological regulation and synchronization. Their integration into therapeutic protocols offers non-invasive solutions for enhancing coherence, resilience, and recovery in health conditions. However, further research is required to optimize field parameters and explore individual sensitivity variations.

Conclusion: The Earth’s geomagnetic and resonant electromagnetic environment exerts a profound influence on living systems. Harnessing these natural fields for therapeutic and regulatory applications presents a promising avenue for advancing human health and well-being.

Keywords: geomagnetic fields, Schumann resonances, cardiovascular health, brain coherence, bioelectric modulation, therapeutic applications, physiological synchronization.

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Applied Fields - Experimental
Geomagnetism & Earth Fields

Schumann Resonance Influence Go to submenu

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Favailable in PDFCoherence of heart rate variability and local physical fields in monitoring studiesCommentary icon2015-(5)D.A. Tuzhilkin, A.S. Borodin
Favailable in PDFThe influence of natural magnetic field inhomogeneity areas of active geological faults on the dynamics of functional state of human brainNo comments yet icon2015-(4)S. V. Pobachenko, P. E. Grigoriev, M. V. Sokolov, A. V. Shitov
Favailable in PDF, HTML and EpubGenetic Analysis of Circadian Responses to Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in Drosophila melanogasterNo comments yet icon2015-(12)Giorgio Fedele, Mathew D. Edwards, Supriya Bhutani, John M. Hares, Manuel Murbach, Edward W. Green, Stephane Dissel, Michael H. Hastings, Ezio Rosato, Charalambos P. Kyriacou
Favailable in PDF and HTMLMagnetoreception in birds: the effect of radio-frequency fields (1.4 MHz & 7 MHz)No comments yet icon2015-(6)Roswitha Wiltschko, Peter Thalau, Dennis Gehring, Christine Nießner, Thorsten Ritz, Wolfgang Wiltschko
Favailable in PDF and HTMLMagnetic orientation of garden warblers (Sylvia borin) under 1.4 MHz radiofrequency magnetic fieldNo comments yet icon2014-(6)Kirill Kavokin, Nikita Chernetsov, Alexander Pakhomov, Julia Bojarinova, Dmitry Kobylkov, Barot Namozov
Favailable in PDF and HTMLMagnetic field effects as a result of the radical pair mechanism are unlikely in redox enzymesNo comments yet icon2014-(10)Hanan L. Messiha, Thanyaporn Wongnate, Pimchai Chaiyen, Alex R. Jones, Nigel S. Scrutton
Favailable in PDF and HTMLAlternative radical pairs for cryptochrome-based magnetoreceptionNo comments yet icon2014-(10)Alpha A. Lee, Jason C. S. Lau, Hannah J. Hogben, Till Biskup, Daniel R. Kattnig, P. J. Hore
Favailable in PDF and HTMLSensing Magnetic Directions in Birds: Radical Pair Processes Involving CryptochromeNo comments yet icon2014-(22)Roswitha Wiltschko,Wolfgang Wiltschko
Favailable in PDFPhysical constraints for the Stoneham model for light-dependent magnetoreception [preprint]No comments yet icon2014-(6)J. Espigulé-Pons, C. Goetz, A. Vaziri, M. Arndt
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Favailable in PDF, HTML and EpubPossible Electromagnetic Effects on Abnormal Animal Behavior Before an EarthquakeCommentary icon2013-(14)Masashi Hayakawa
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Favailable in PDF, HTML and EpubA New Type of Radical-Pair-Based Model for MagnetoreceptionNo comments yet icon2012-(8)A. Marshall Stoneham,Erik M. Gauger, Kyriakos Porfyrakis, Simon C. Benjamin, Brendon W. Lovett
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available in PDF, HTML and EpubGeomagnetic Anomaly in the Growth Response of Peat Moss Sphagnum riparium to TemperatureCommentary icon2023-(15)Victor L. Mironov
Favailable in PDF and HTMLThe decrease in diurnal oxygen production in Elodea under the influence of high geomagnetic variability: the role of light, temperature and atmospheric pressureCommentary icon2023-(14)Elizabeth Davies
Favailable in PDF, HTML and EpubThe Geomagnetic Field (GMF) Is Required for Lima Bean Photosynthesis and Reactive Oxygen Species ProductionNo comments yet icon2023-(23)Ambra S. Parmagnani, Nico Betterle, Giuseppe Mannino, Stefano D’Alessandro, Fabio F. Nocito, Kristina Ljumovic, Gianpiero Vigani, Matteo Ballottari, Massimo E. Maffei
Favailable in PDF and HTMLIntermolecular binding between bulk water and dissolved gases in earth’s magnetic fieldCommentary icon2022-(12)Masahiro Kohno, Toshiaki Kamachi , Koji FukuiI
Favailable in PDF and HTMLDifferential root and shoot magnetoresponses in Arabidopsis thalianaCommentary icon2021-(14)Ivan A. Paponov, Judith Fliegmann, Ravishankar Narayana, Massimo E. Mafei
Favailable in PDFEvaluation of the Effects of Hypo-Magnetic Fields on Mouse Macrophage RAW264 CellsCommentary icon2021-(9)Nipitpon Srimai, Wasawat Kiatarkom, Hidetake Miyata
Favailable in PDF, HTML and EpubThe Geomagnetic Field Is a Contributing Factor for an Efficient Iron Uptake in Arabidopsis thalianaCommentary icon2020-(15)Monirul Islam, Massimo E. Maffei, Gianpiero Vigani
Favailable in PDFEffects of geomagnetic field deprivation on germination and early growth of maize variety San (Zea mays L. cv. San)Commentary icon2019-(5)Barbara Tombarkiewicz, Katarzyna Możdżeń, Weronika Kanik, Bartosz Bojarski, Krzysztof Pawlak, Marcin Lis
Aavailable in HTMLImpact of Weakened Geomagnetic Field on Proliferative Activity and Viability of K562 and C3H10T1/2 CellsNo comments yet icon2019-(1)V. A. Bogdanov, G. A. Sakuta, V. E. Stefanov, S. V. Surma, G. A. Zakharov, B. F. Shchegolev
Favailable in PDF and HTMLEffect of Hypomagnetic Field on Water Medium of Living SystemsCommentary icon2019-(12)Svetlana Stepanovna Moisa, Vladimir Vladimirovich Tsetlin, Elena Leonidovna Nefedova
Favailable in PDFInvestigation of the structural reorganization of micromycetes in hypomagnetic fieldsCommentary icon2019-(5)L. K. Panina, E. V. Bogomolova, S. P. Dmitriev, N. A. Dovator
Favailable in PDFThe spatiotemporal relationship between geomagnetic perturbations and Ebola Viral Disease outbreaks and civil strife in Equatorial Africa: A reexamination of the interpretation of clay burning by Iron Age African tribes during severe geomagnetic perturbations [preprint]Commentary icon2019-(11)Moses Turkle Bility
Favailable in PDFReduction of geomagnetic field (GMF) to near null magnetic field (NNMF) affects some Arabidopsis thaliana clock genes amplitude in a light independent mannerNo comments yet icon2019-(4)Chiara Agliassa, Massimo E. Maffei
Favailable in PDF and HTMLReduction of geomagnetic field (GMF) to near null magnetic field (NNMF) affects Arabidopsis thaliana root mineral nutritionNo comments yet icon2018-(9)Ravishankar Narayana, Judith Fliegmann, Ivan Paponov, Massimo E. Maffei
Favailable in PDFNonspecific biological effects of weak magnetic fields depend on molecular rotations [preprint]No comments yet icon2018-(13)Vladimir N. Binhi, Frank S. Prato
Favailable in PDF and HTMLShielding of the Geomagnetic Field Alters Actin Assembly and Inhibits Cell Motility in Human Neuroblastoma CellsCommentary icon2016-(15)Wei-Chuan Mo, Zi-Jian Zhang, Dong-Liang Wang, Ying Liu, Perry F. Bartlett, Rong-Qiao He
Favailable in PDF, HTML and EpubGeomagnetic Field (Gmf) and Plant Evolution: Investigating the Effects of Gmf Reversal on Arabidopsis thaliana Development and Gene ExpressionCommentary icon2015-(8)Cinzia M. Bertea, Ravishankar Narayana, Chiara Agliassa, Christopher T. Rodgers, Massimo E. Maffei
Favailable in PDFIs Plant Growth Influenced by the Electromagnetic Forces that Our Planet is Exposed To?No comments yet icon2014-(4)Fredrik C. Størmer, Frans E. Wielgolaski
Favailable in PDFGrowth of Dunaliella in "Ideal" Conditions Retains Annual Variability of Biochemical FeaturesNo comments yet icon2014-(9)Anatoly I. Bozhkov, Natalia G. Menzyanova, Marina K. Kovaleva, Nikolai I. Pyatak
Favailable in PDF, HTML and EpubMagnetic field effects on plant growth, development, and evolutionNo comments yet icon2014-(15)Massimo E. Maffei
Favailable in PDFBio-effects of near-zero magnetic fields on the growth, development and reproduction of small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus and brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugensNo comments yet icon2014-(9)Gui-jun Wan, Shou-lin Jiang, Zong-chao Zhao, Jing-jing Xu, Xiao-rong Tao, Gregory A. Sword, Yue-bo Gao, Wei-dong Pan, Fa-jun Chen



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