The system-resonance approach in modeling genetic structures

From the theory here developed, that uses mathematical tools of the theory of resonances, it's show that any living organism is a chorus of coordinated oscillatory processes and that some relationships can be elucidated between molecular-genetic ensembles and mathematics of noise-immunity coding of information in modern communications technology.

The author says that genetic alphabets are based on systems of resonances where each nitrogenous base (A,C,T,G) has its own resonance characteristic and each triplet is connected with its own form of oscillation inside an oscillatory system. The binary opposition of the resonance characteristic gives a chance to consider genetic systems as binary computers on resonance. The authors of the main mind theory presented in this web consider also the creation of a intelligent an human-mind like "computer" based on resonance (with the electromagnetic fields as the information carriers) as can be seen in [1].

This paper's author shows 6 examples of hidden regularities and symmetries in the disposition of the 64 triples in 8 octets that they must be related to a resonance phenomena, one of the examples and its explanation give a chance to explain a noise-immune coding of information (based on Walsh functions) that say probably operate in biological systems. Another example give a chance to explain cyclic genetic organizations on biological bodies.

The author also says that mechanical and electrical oscillations in living bodies are closely connected because many tissues are piezo-electrical, but, as it can be viewed in other places in this website, electromagnetism is also present due to dipolar structures vibration. Although he consider for example water as a candidate to unifying vibro-platform for vibro-transfer of energy among different parts of a living body, he dont take into account the special characteristics of water with its structurablility an the relation of this with electromagnetic fields (see this, for example [2]). Anyways, as the author recognize, living organisms can be seen as resonating consumers of energy from surrounding electromagnetic waves.

Finally he apply this theoretical construction to the formation of morphogenetic fields, that the author names "morphoresonance" field.

[1] Ghosh, S., Aswani, K., Singh, S., Sahu, S., Fujita, D., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2014). Design and construction of a brain-like computer: a new class of frequency-fractal computing using wireless communication in a supramolecular organic, inorganic system. Information, 5(1), 28-100.

[2] EMMIND › Endogenous Fields & Mind › Water & Electromagnetic Fields › Electromagnetism & Water - Coherence Domains

Last modified on 20-Mar-16

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind