The paper maintains some dogmas like that for subjective experience and free will a brain is necessary, although there are already studies [1] that put in consideration that at least unicellular organism can be conscious and have free will. The paper don't speak about the brain's electromagnetic field, instead use a term "psychogenic field" for a mental field that can influence on bio-molecules, but which other field can do it? Anyways this study is included in the brain distant EM interaction section because it's include an experimental proof of distant mind influence (reaching 1 meter) on the erythrocyte sedimentation rate of blood samples in test tubes. It must be know that the erythrocyte sedimentation rate of blood is determined by complex physical and chemical interactions of electrostatic potentials of red blood cells, as well as protein and colloidal properties of blood plasma. In one of the experimental setups it is shown that blood's Rh factor is important as when Rh-positive blood is exposed to the expressed subjective influence a highly significant (p<0,0001) decrease in ESR in the experimental tubes is reached but conversely, when Rh-negative blood is exposed to the expressed subjective influence a highly significant (p<0,0001) increase in ESR in experimental tubes is reached. |
Last modified on 30-May-21 |