Estimation of the number of biophotons involved in the visual perception of a single object image: Biophoton intensity can be considerably higher inside cells than outside

As retina transforms external photon signals into electrical the authors propose that V1 retinotopic electrical signals can be converted into biophotons within retinotopic visual neurons to create intrinsic biophysical pictures during visual perception and imagery.

Appart from explaining this theory of biophoton origin for the visual representation, where the visual stimulus pass to electrical impulses in retina and are conveyed to V1 area, and here, by the mitocondrial cellular redox processes are passed again to photonic (biophotonic) form that creates a intrinsic biophysical pictures in the retinotopically organized mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase rich (CO-rich) visual areas, they also do the interesting assert that the biophotons that are detected outside the cells are only a reduced part of the biophotons that are working internally, they stimate that at least 108 - 109 biophotons per second can be produced inside.

They explain that ROS (reactive oxygen species) and RNS (reactive nitrogen species) are essentially regulated signals (independent of its origin that authors supposed mainly in mitochondria, but are other possible candidates including water itself), controlled by genes and cell activity, that provoke specific reaction cascades.

Also it is viewed that biophotons are very related to neural activity and neurochemical processes. And they calculate that there are about 1,157,407 free radicals that are processes every second in a neuron, as the biophoton originates majorly from free radical reactions, this indicates that the actual number of biophotons - inside cells - should be significantly larger than that expected from biophoton measurements (that take place at distance of several centimeters from the cells) and that cells retain their biophotons within the cellular environment.

Interesting details are presented, as the results of some experiments that indicate that living systems are able to retain photons (as for example whole blood do no reemit ligth after being illuminated, but serum has a intense biophoton re-emission).

Another very interesting detail that mention is how the centriole (an array of microtubules) act as an eye for cells and that electromagnetic signals are the triggers for the cells’ repositioning. And experiments by that rearched to mimick the effects of the presence of another living cell in the neighbourhood using pulsating infra-red signals scattered off plastic beads.

It is observed also that mitochondria and microtubules can act as optical waveguides. Among other interesting findings and theories.

Last modified on 15-Mar-16

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind