Changes in Ultraweak Photon Emission and Heart Rate Variability of Epinephrine-Injected Rats

" The intensities of photon emissions for saline injections, which were used as a control, decreased from 13042 ± 71 counts/min at the start of measurements to 8709 ± 915 counts/min at 1 h after the injections. In the case with epinephrine injections, the intensity of photon emission reduced slowly from 13361 ± 354 counts/min to 11040 ± 433 counts/min. ... The standard deviation of the QRS wave complex interval (RR interval [time interval between the consecutive R waves in ECG signal]) increased from 1 to 4 ( p < 0.05) and the spectral ratio of the low frequency component to the high frequency component in the HRV data LF (0 . 19 ∼ 0 . 74 Hz) / HF (0 . 78 ∼ 2 . 50 Hz) decreased from 0.81 to 0.26 ( p < 0.05) in the case of epinephrine injection while no change was found in the case of saline injection. Thus, ultraweak photon emission was closely related to the cardiovascular autonomic activity."

The HRV, that represents a fluctuation of the time interval between the consecutive beats in the ECG, is an important factor in the health of a person, and very possibly it also has some transcendental role [1].

[1] McCraty, R., Deyhle, A., & Childre, D. (2012). The global coherence initiative: Creating a coherent planetary standing wave. Global advances in health and medicine, 1(1), 64-77.

Last modified on 20-Mar-16

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind