After some comments about biophotons origin, that has been speculated to be in the NADH oxidation in mitocondria ( by Albrecht-Buehler et al), in the DNA functioning as a "exciplex laser system" that absorbs photons and emit them coherently (by Popp et al), or in the environmental light transported along the blood vessels by albumin (although there are other possible mechanisms too) it gives some interesting data on how can propagation of biophotons occur, that could be done along microtubules, that have the appropriate diameter to guide light free of thermal loss and that indeed, in the brain, light propagation depends on the nerve fiber orientation and is better along the axes of white matter tracts. They continue with a review of the possible mechanism of modulation (fluorescence characteristics of chemicals, absorption characteristic of pigments that reduce signal energy, etc) and the possible targets. And they brings to light interesting info: that amino acid with strongest fluorescence tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine are the precursors for the neurotransmitters involved in mood reactions: serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. And that many hallucinogens have strong fluorescence properties. They propose that neuronal depolarisation energy can be used to generate light (in microtubules), and then the process of depolarisation could scan the information within the microtubules and MAP-proteins and transmit it to the next neuron and when depolarisation reaches the synapses release the fluorescent neurotransmitters. |
Last modified on 15-Mar-16 |