Unusual Optical Properties of Collagen and Implications for the Primo Vascular System

It is compared the interaction of collagen gels preparations with enzyme-dependent ultra weak photon emissions (from the Xanthine oxidase–Xanthine–MCLA enzyme system) versus it's interaction with light from a LED with similar spectral properties of that of the enzyme system.

It has been found that the collagen gel is capable of increasing photon emissions from the enzyme system but that, on the contrary, weak photon emissions generated from the artificial source are decreased.

For the authors this is a clue that points that by means of collagen fibers (that are connected to primo-vessels, which are related to the meridian system, and whose optical properties are also being investigated with signs that they can conduct/retransmit biophotons) biophotons from biological natural reactions may exert influence on distant molecular activation wherein chemical and electrical signaling is impossible.

Last modified on 17-Jun-20

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