Ultra-Low-Level Laser Therapy and Acupuncture Libralux What Is so Special?

" Contrary to the most credited theories on laser therapy that see power/energy as the major factors to its effectiveness, a technique using an extremely low power/energy laser stimulation to treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction is proposed. The stimulus consists of a 20 s train of modulated pulses with an average power below 0.02 mW and is applied on sequences of acupuncture points selected according to the impaired segment of the patient’s body." {Credits 1}

There are more investigation on photobiomodulation and lllt in the sections of [1] although acupuncture points are not targeted or even mentioned.

[1] EMMIND › Applied Fields - Experimental › Light & Near-Light Effects

{Credits 1} 🎪 Evangelista, L., De Meo, B., Bernabei, G., Belloni, G., D’Angelo, G., Vanzini, M., ... & Gallamini, M. (2019). Ultra-Low-Level Laser Therapy and Acupuncture Libralux: What Is so Special?. Medicines, 6(1), 40. © 2019 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribution License.

Last modified on 17-Jun-20

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind