Light and Primo Vascular System in the Brain

The primo-vascular system form a network different from the nervous, cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, that is distributed deep inside the body all over the surface of major organs, it is constituted by primo vessels also termed "Bonghan ducts" and primo nodes also termed “Bongham corpuscles”, being the primo nodes constituted by sub vessels and various cells.

And its known that the primo node for the organs are connected to all meridians. The meridian structures start and end at the primo node for the organs [1], that is he primo vascular system is an anatomical structure corresponding to the acupuncture meridians. One very important hypothesis in relation to this is that they can serve as biophotonic transmission waveguides [2] with various papers on the topic, both theoretical and experimental.

In the light of a recent discovery of the primo vascular system in the brains of rabbits (floating in the cerebrospinal fluid), that also run along the central canal of the spinal cord, in this paper it is revised the idea of a long-range optical communication through the biophotonic transmission along those anatomical structures, and the possible application of the knowledge present and future in the laser-needle acupuncture technique.

[1] Stefanov, M., Potroz, M., Kim, J., Lim, J., Cha, R., & Nam, M. H. (2013). The primo vascular system as a new anatomical system. Journal of acupuncture and meridian studies, 6(6), 331-338.

[2] Soh, K. S. (2004). Bonghan Duct and Acupuncture Meridian as Optical Channel of Biophoton. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 45(5), 1196-1198.

[3] EMMIND › Endogenous Fields & Mind › Biophotons › Biophotons & Acupunture Meridians

Last modified on 16-Jun-20

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