Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (5G) And Its Effects On Female Reproductive Health

While there is extensive literature on the biological effects of non-ionizing radiation, particularly regarding exposure frequencies and durations in animal and cellular studies, this study offers new insights by focusing on specific behaviors of individuals, such as nighttime phone usage, and linking these habits to symptoms often associated with electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure. Additionally, prior studies have highlighted the effects of pulsed EMR exposure and hormonal disruptions in animal models, underscoring the necessity for research centered on human experiences, especially among women.

By addressing this gap, the survey provides fresh data on menstrual health in relation to EMR exposure among young adult women. The reported prevalence of fatigue, stress, and irregular menstrual cycles among participants with high phone usage not only supports earlier studies that documented reductions in ovarian follicles due to EMR but also advances the discussion by connecting these biological effects to specific behavioral patterns. Furthermore, the psychological effects of EMR, such as increased stress and anxiety, align with findings from other studies that have documented oxidative stress in offspring exposed to EMR, thereby broadening the conversation about the potential psychological impacts of EMR.

Last modified on 28-Dec-24

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind