Cytogenetic Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation at 1800 MHz Allium cepa Chromosome Aberrations Assay and BalbC Mouse Micronucleus Test

" The percentage of micronuclei (% MN), micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (% MNPCE), and aberrant meristematic cells (% Abc) were estimated. ... It was shown that short and intermediate exposure resulted in progressive time-dependent enhancement of root growth. In contrast, the 4h-exposure conditions caused significant root growth inhibition. ... Only 4 h RFR exposure of roots induced significant increases in % Abc. Statistically significant higher values of % MN and % MNPCE were observed in the peripheral blood of mice exposed to EMF for 4 h."

Last modified on 14-Oct-22

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind