Biochemical and Pathological Effects on the Male Rat Hepatic Tissue After Exposure to 900MHz Electromagnetic Field During Adolescent Period

" Biochemical analyses revealed increased lipid peroxidation and glutathione values while catalase and superoxide dismutase values were decreased in electromagnetic field group. Electron microscopy evaluations identified necrotic hepatocytes with numerous cytoplasmic and mitochondrial vacuoles in electromagnetic field group sections. We also observed an enlarged endoplasmic reticulum and loss of mitochondrial matrix, in addition to the presence of vacuoles. Also, loss of inner and outer mitochondrial membrane integrity was observed. Light microscopy evaluations revealed sinusoidal capillary dilatation and degeneration in hepatocytes with cytoplasmic swelling, vacuolar degeneration and pyknotic nuclei in electromagnetic field group sections. Deterioration in the integrity of the collagen fibers was also present around the vena centralis. Additionally, electromagnetic field had no effect on body weight. Therefore, we conclude that continuous 900-megahertz electromagnetic field treatment may cause changes in oxidative stress biomarkers and the morphology of the adolescent rat liver." {Credits 1}

{Credits 1} 🎪 Keleş, a. İ., Erol, H. S. S., Sapmaz, T., Mercantepe, T., Keleş, G., Süt, B. B., ... & Polat, S. (2021). Biochemical and Pathological Effects on the Male Rat Hepatic Tissue After Exposure to 900mhz Electromagnetic Field During Adolescent Period. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C Biology, 30(1), 25-46. © 2021 Ankara University. This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Last modified on 22-Dec-21

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