Mobile phone radiation causes brain tumors and should be classified as a probable human carcinogen (2A) (Review)

Author criticizes the CERENAT French case-control study because it includes as telephony users only mobile phone users and they not take in account the digitally enhanced cordless telephony (DECT) users, which in France is used by over 50% of the population, so the reference category 'no regular use' included subjects who used a DECT. Also critiques that the participation rate was relatively low: 66% for cases and 45% for controls.

" the authors of the INTERPHONE study acknowledged the possible selection bias from low participation rates and calculated that these resulted in a 10% underestimation of risk"

Anyways is clear the augmentation of cancer risk:

" 'Heavy mobile phone' use was associated with increased risks of meningioma (but somewhat weaker than the risks for glioma)"

Finally shows evidence that electromagnetic radiation can act both as an initiator and as promoter of tumor.

" The cerenat study corroborates the significant risks of glioma associated with exposure to radiofrequency fields reported by the Swedish team and by the 13-country INTERPHONE study, and adds weight to the epidemiological evidence that radiofrequency fields, classified by the international a gency for research on cancer as a group 2B (possible) carcinogen in 2011 should be reclassified as a Group 2A (probable) carcinogen."

Last modified on 15-Mar-16

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind