How far will the Voyager® take us?

" The Voyager utilizes proprietary ultra-low radio frequency energy (ulRFE®) technology to produce a cognate reflecting the binding of a molecule (e.g., chemotherapy drug or siRNA) to a cellular target by measuring and recording the subtle oscillating magnetic field produced by molecules in solution using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). Binding molecules generate a unique electrostatic surface potential that is critically important to the chemical properties of that molecule and how that molecule interacts with and in a biological system. The Nativis company developed a sensitive magnetometer to measure the minute magnetic field fluctuations generated by the molecules in solution. They took these magnetic field changes and converted them to a ulRFE cognate that can be delivered locally to cells in culture and animals with tumors using specially designed coils. For people with cancer, Nativis developed the Voyager to deliver the recorded ulRFE cognate locally to the brain to induce a magnetic field that readily penetrates tissues. Preclinical studies suggest that some ulRFE cognates can regulate biological pathways and slow tumor development in xenograft models [12]." {Credits 1}

{Credits 1} 🎪 Levin V. A. (2019). How far will the Voyager® take us?. CNS oncology, 8(1), CNS26. doi:10.2217/cns-2018-0019 © 2019 Dr Victor Levin. This work is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Unported License.

Last modified on 22-Jan-20

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind