Investigation of the structural reorganization of micromycetes in hypomagnetic fields

" Using the experimental setup that allows the Earth's magnetic field to be screened up to 1-100 nT, we found features of the microscopic fungi growth pattern, namely, the appearance of spiral growth instead of fractal. A hypothesis was put forward on the participation of a charged protein cluster - Spitzenkorper, located in the apical zone of cells, in the reorganization of fungal growth." {Credits 1}

As they mention one of the problem is that micromycetes do not have specific magnetic field receptors like magnetosomes in magnetotactic bacteria, so another mechanism must be at place, they propose some protein clusters as mentioned in the quote, but ¿what about water? a publication from the same year have has confirmed that water is sensitive to geomagnetic field attenuation [1].

[1] Moisa, S. S., Tsetlin, V. V., & Nefedova, E. L. (2019). Effect of Hypomagnetic Field on Water Medium of Living Systems. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 12(12), 545-556.

{Credits 1} 🎪 Panina, L. K., Bogomolova, E. V., Dmitriev, S. P., & Dovator, N. A. (2019, November). Investigation of the structural reorganization of micromycetes in hypomagnetic fields. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1400, No. 3, p. 033016). IOP Publishing. © 2020 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Last modified on 22-Jan-20

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