Human Brain Reacts to Transcranial Extraocular Light

Although the authors don't mention the most new theories about how endogenous biophotons are generated and used in brain, the presented effect may be a consequence of supplanting or alteration of these endogenous fields. They don't also mention water as a possible target (see EZ water section [1] on this web) but anyways the experimental result itself is very interesting.

" Transcranial extraocular light affects the brains of birds and modulates their seasonal changes in physiology and behavior. However, whether the human brain is sensitive to extraocular light is unknown. To test whether extraocular light has any effect on human brain functioning, we measured brain electrophysiology of 18 young healthy subjects using event-related potentials while they performed a visual attention task embedded with emotional distractors. Extraocular light delivered via ear canals abolished normal emotional modulation of attention related brain responses. With no extraocular light delivered, emotional distractors reduced centro-parietal P300 amplitude compared to neutral distractors. This phenomenon disappeared with extraocular light delivery. Extraocular light delivered through the ear canals was shown to penetrate at the base of the scull of a cadaver. Thus, we have shown that extraocular light impacts human brain functioning calling for further research on the mechanisms of action of light on the human brain." {Credits 1}

[1] EMMIND › Endogenous Fields & Mind › Water & Electromagnetic Fields › Electromagnetism & Water - Exclusion Zones

{Credits 1} 🎪 Sun L, Peräkylä J, Kovalainen A, Ogawa KH, Karhunen PJ, Hartikainen KM (2016) Human Brain Reacts to Transcranial Extraocular Light. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0149525. © 2016 Sun et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.

Last modified on 20-Mar-16

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind