EUREKA study - the evaluation of real-life use of a biophotonic system in chronic wound management an interim analysis

They use what they name BioPhotonic gel, that is filled with chromophores, that

" ... upon illumination by the blue light, the chromophores release an ultra-fast micropulsed emission of photons in the form of fluorescence, with different wavelengths in the spectra of visible light, ranging from 500 to 610 nm." {Credits 1}

Those emmissions are efficient in

" ... promoting wound healing and reactivating the healing process in different types of chronic, hard-to-heal wounds." {Credits 1}

Romanelli, M., Piaggesi, A., Scapagnini, G., Dini, V., Janowska, A., Iacopi, E., ... & Bassetto, F. (2017). eUreKa study–the evaluation of real-life use of a biophotonic system in chronic wound management: an interim analysis. Drug design, development and therapy, 11, 3551. © 2017 Romanelli et al. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License.

Last modified on 21-Jan-19

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