The Stochastic Rules of Genomic DNA and the Doctrine of Energy-information Evolution Based on Bio-antenna Arrays

" The matrix-tensor study of universal rules of stochastic (probabilistic) organization of long single-stranded DNA sequences in eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes reveales the following. Tensor-matrix representations of these genomic rules have non-trivial analogies with the tensor-matrix theory of digital antenna arrays that is, with algebraic formalisms from quite another scientific field, which never was associated withe genetics. Antenna arrays combine many separate antenna in whole coordinated ensembles, which possess emergent properties greatly overcome functional properties of a separate antenna. This explains a wide distribution of antenna arrays in modern technics. The method of revealing analogies is one of the basic methods of development of sciences. Using this method and the noted analogies, the authors describe the doctrine of energy-information evolution based on bio-antenna arrays. The doctrine allows analyzing phenomena of molecular genetics and many inherited physiological systems from a single point of view, which never was presented in evolutionary biology and which uses emergent properties of antenna arrays for understanding and modeling these phenomena."

Last modified on 16-Jul-23

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