Detrimental impact of cell phone radiation on sperm DNA integrity

" EMW can induce oxidative stress, which subsequently leads to disorders such as reduced mobility, morphological changes, acrosome disturbances, and ultimately, damage to the nucleus and genetic material. This oxidative damage to DNA can result in the breakdown of both single-stranded and double-stranded DNA structures, culminating in fragmentation. If the DNA is not repaired and the damage accumulates, the sperm may undergo apoptosis. Damage to the sperm genome can ultimately impact fertility, potentially leading to infertility. Therefore, it is advisable to limit daily exposure to these sources to prevent irreversible damage caused by EMWs. Many men carry their cell phones in their trouser pockets or clipped to their belts, and the use of Bluetooth can increase their susceptibility to RF-EMR exposure. This exposure can induce changes in sperm quality through oxidative stress, potentially leading to infertility. Agarwal et al. [11] suggested that carrying a cell phone in a pocket could lead to a decline in sperm quality. However, it is important to note that the phone and male reproductive organs are separated by multiple tissue layers. Therefore, extrapolating these in vitro effects to real-life conditions requires further studies [11]." {Credits 1}

" In July 2021, the European Parliament commissioned a research report titled “Health impact of 5G.” The report concluded that the commonly used RF-EMFs are likely carcinogenic to humans and have a definitive impact on male fertility. It also suggested potential adverse effects on the development of embryos, fetuses, and newborns. To mitigate these adverse effects, the organization proposed several strategies. These include favoring non-wireless connections, increasing distance from the source of RF-EMFs, switching off devices when not in use, and practicing safe phone usage [55]." {Credits 1}

{Credits 1} 🎪 Koohestanidehaghi, Y., Khalili, M. A., Dehghanpour, F., & Seify, M. (2024). Detrimental impact of cell phone radiation on sperm DNA integrity. Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine, 51(1), 13-19. © 2024 The Author(s). This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Last modified on 29-Mar-24

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind